Technologies Unions Slovakia was founded on November 4, 2020 and its main goal is to protect, promote and defend the employment rights of Dell s.r.o. employees. Our values are based on the need for representation of our employees and emphasize their employment, wage, social and cultural interests, the right to protect the life and health, as well as protection against discrimination in employment relationships.

We want to act as a natural bridge in the communication between employees and the employer, provide legal and professional assistance, as well as create space, facilities and shelter for resolving disputes.


Basic priorities

  • Support and consultation for employees in labor relations.
  • Representation and resolution of discrimination or unfair treatment of employees.
  • Social support in case of a strike or difficult life situation.
  • Control and redistribution of the social fund.
  • Discussing lay offs, departmental or job changes.
  • Members support on life or work related anniversaries.
  • Financial support for mothers while leaving for on maternity leave.
  • Representing mothers on their return to work.
  • Discussion with management on collective bargaining agreement on European standards.



Unions representatives


Daniel Andráško

He has been with Dell since January 2003. He has held various management positions at Sales, BusOps, Finance and ISG. He has been representing Dell Bratislava employees on the European Works Council since 2007 and has been its chairman since 2018. He co-leads the True Ability ERG.


Miroslav Masiarčin

He has been with Dell since 2004. He has held various management positions in Finance, Sales Compensation, Sales Support, and Global Operations. Since 2016 he is Director of Sales and Finance BI.


Jozef Krajčovič

He has been with Dell since 2005. He has held various analytical positions in the Reporting, Finance, Marketing and Services departments. Since 2018 he is leading the Services BI & Reporting team.


